Thursday, February 12, 2009

What has This reading Book Done for Me.??

The book Matilda just made me think that even though it's a fiction book some of the things in it could be true. Like the fact that some little kids could be too smart for their age like my little brother. Freaky, but true.
What I learned about myself was that I really don't like to read. Specially not books that are about little kids. I noticed that even thought I read the book and finished it it don't catch my interest. I'm more into the books that are about relationships.
What I learned about others by reading this book was that some people actually thought this book was interesting. I learned that it's not like I think, not everyone has my same interests.
I should keep on reading more and more to improve my reading score and to do better in school. Also i could learn new words that I didn't know before and that's one of the best benefits of reading.
The funny thing about this book was the little stick figures the illustrator drew on the book. It's like he didn't even want to do it. I understood the pictures and that's a good thing but the pictures we too ugly! Ugly enough to scare a little kid.

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